Saturday, February 14, 2009

Winter, Spring and a Very Strange Thing

We seem to have had a lot of weather confusion lately. In just a few weeks we've gone from frigid with snow to 60s and flood watches. A snug house and relaxed schedule makes it all very fun to watch!


While it was snowing and blowing outside, I've been enjoying our own little taste of spring - the paperwhite bulbs that Kyle is forcing. It's amazing how quickly they grow and how they seek the light. When a tropical vacation is not in the picture, a bit of green indoors does wonders!

Which brings me to our little domestic mystery . . .


While sitting on the couch one evening, Kyle noticed a new and very unpleasant odor. After sniffing around a bit, he concluded that a diaper must have leaked on the blanket he was using, and banished it from the couch for washing.

The next day, while the blanket was tumbling in the dryer, Kyle sat down on the couch and noticed the same strong smell. Over the next few days we hauled up the couch cushions, investigated the carpet, and began to fear that mice were leaving odiferous gifts in our heating system. Finally, on a lunch break, Kyle went on a tour of investigation and returned with the culprit - the paperwhite blossoms!

Lovely as they are, on first opening they have a strong and not especially pleasant smell which became quite noticeable in our little house. We were both happy to find the source, and I was so relieved to learn that it didn't have to be washed! ;-) 


The Capp Crew said...

Oh that is too funny! I have been babysitting for a 9 month old baby a couple days a week, and the smell of dirty diapers has become a recent memory. :P

Anonymous said...

Ok.. This is so strange. My cousin was literally just telling me about Paperwhite flowers & how they have a wierd odor!! I've never even heard of them! That is so funny:)

Jessica D.

KLC said...

I don't especially mind the smell, but I can understand why you might not care for it. I've heard that there are scentless varieties . . . or you could just force hyacinths instead! :-) I wish I'd forced bulbs this year. I usually do, but somehow that fell through the cracks. My outside ones are coming up, though!

Unknown said...

They are very pretty....from a sniff-safe distance! =)