Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rolling and Eating and Crawling (Oh My)!

Seven months yesterday, Stephen is really taking off in his physical abilities!

He has branched into the world of solid food and (contrary to the expression above) seems to really enjoy it! Life will never be the same for him - in a very delicious way.

He is also rolling, doing the combat crawl, sitting up and as of Feb 24th, crawling on hands and knees! Life will never be the same for me either. ;-)

He is actually at that nice stage where he is mobile enough to entertain himself without getting into trouble too quickly.

He is so friendly, cheery and responsive. We are all having a lot of fun and excitement around here.

My little helper is also growing in every area - talking, singing, physical ability and fine motor control, etc.

She loves to sort silverware and "help" me wash dishes (or in this case, potatoes). I feel very blessed to be entrusted with these two little lives to superintend!


Aliza said...

Oh my! Stephan's look has changed so much since the last pictures! He looks like such a big boy.

The Sisson Clan said...

I agree Aliza! Stephen's face is getting longer and he looks so different!

Happy to see the little helper girl.

Love, love, love,

~the gambill gals~ said...

What a good little helper you have!

They are both changing so much.

TulipGirl said...

Oh, J loooved to help me wash dishes. And seriously? He wasn't even two and could load the dishwasher properly, from watching my so often! (Though, that required me planning on mopping the floor, because "loading" the dishwasher also included a LOT of bubbles and water!)

I love these little ages. But really? These early tween and teen years are so fun, too!