Saturday, June 14, 2008

Birth of a New Family!

It was so much fun to attend a friend's wedding this past weekend - especially since it's the first one I've been to since ours! ;-) The delight was doubled by being reminded of each part of our own wonderful day.

Congratulations Lucas and Melissa! We were so happy to get to be a part of this new beginning! May you be blessed by many years of ever deepening love.

Another treat was getting to see family and friends from all across the state!

Faith H. and Haley, next to the lovely (and delicious!) wedding cake.

Bridesmaid/Sister-of-the-Groom Kelli sports her trademark fashion individuality, with sunglasses to match her formal attire. :-) It was fun to hear you sing, and in Spanish too!

Haley and I with Jill R. It was a treat to get to visit with so many friends!

The get-away vehicle filled with buckets, mops and toilet plungers. Too bad the plungers wouldn't stick to the outside of the car, as originally intended! ;-)

Best wishes, you guys!
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1 comment:

Leon said...

I have not seen any photos yet so this was great. Looking forward to seeing others as they are put up as well.